Hypertension in pregnant women

 Hypertension is the heart pumped blood pressure, flowing fast so hit / damage the arterial walls of blood vessels. Generally, if on examination of hypertension : blood pressure above 140 mmHg systolic or 90 mmHg diastolic are usually written 140/90 mmHg.

Factor is alcohol consumption causes hypertension
, salt sensitivity, excess weight, unhealthy living habits, heredity and birth control pills. Many cases occur where the IBI women experience hypertension and impact on fetal health. This is called preeclampsia or high blood pressure experienced by pregnant women. Many cases of pregnant women with hypertension are able to maintain the pregnancy

until the fetus was born alive. Can also be helped with medical assistance during pregnancy so that complications during pregnancy can be prevented. Particular attention must be observed when pregnant women suffer from hypertension. Preeclampsia begins before pregnancy, have the possibility of complications in pregnancy is greater than with preeclampsia who suffer from hypertension when already pregnant. Because so many pregnant women have the possibility of suffering from hypertension during pregnancy due to several factors one of which birth control pills be the cause.

The greatest impact of hypertension in pregnant women:
- Damage to the kidneys
- Suffering preeclampsia
- Poisoning in pregnancy
- Hazardous to either the mother or the fetus
- Damage to blood vessels
- Stroke
- Heart failure later in life
- Miscarriage
- Low birth weight baby
- Born prematurely, etc..

Symptoms of hypertension in pregnant women:
- Headache
- Easily tired
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Restlessness
- Bleeding from nose
- Face redness
- The view is blurred because of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys.


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