Herbal Therapy for Hypertension

To control blood pressure, hypertensive patients generally take medicine every day. However, this routine often unpopular patients. In addition to making boring and relatively expensive, drug consumption in the long run makes people afraid of side effects.

Alternative treatment of choice some people to treat hypertension. One herbal therapy has been recognized that the medical community to treat hypertensive disorders. This therapy uses plants that have been medically proven to contain medicinal herbs as an antihypertensive drug.


Relieve Hypertension With Celery

Did you know in addition to vegetables and lower blood pressure, celery is also still have many other benefits, such as the prevention of breast cancer, kidney failure and for healthy teeth.
The benefits will be much faster if we routinely consume terasanya raw. When chewed substance in celery will massage our gums and calcium in celery could help strengthen the teeth.
In addition celery can also mentralisir pungent spices like garlic. Vit C and K content of celery quite excellent. In addition celery also contains Vitamin A, phosphorus, iron.


Hypertension in pregnant women

 Hypertension is the heart pumped blood pressure, flowing fast so hit / damage the arterial walls of blood vessels. Generally, if on examination of hypertension : blood pressure above 140 mmHg systolic or 90 mmHg diastolic are usually written 140/90 mmHg.

Factor is alcohol consumption causes hypertension
, salt sensitivity, excess weight, unhealthy living habits, heredity and birth control pills. Many cases occur where the IBI women experience hypertension and impact on fetal health. This is called preeclampsia or high blood pressure experienced by pregnant women. Many cases of pregnant women with hypertension are able to maintain the pregnancy


Balanced Nutrition for Hypertension Patients

Principles of diet in patients with hypertension

are as follows:
Diverse food and nutritional balance.

1. The type and composition of food adapted to the conditions
people ..

2. The amount of salt is limited in accordance with the patient and health foods on the list of dietary salt intake is no more than ¼ - ½ teaspoon / day.


How to Prevent Hypertension?

In the previous article I discussed about hypertension, now how do I preventing hypertension itself.

How to Prevent Hypertension?.

1. Restriction of salt intake:

· A diet low in fat and cholesterol

· High-fiber diet: lose weight and help facilitate the body's metabolism.


What is hypertension?

Hypertension  is a disease of the heart and blood vessel abnormalities characterized by increased blood pressure. Hypertension  is now suspected as the major cause of stroke and heart.

How do we know increase our blood pressure?

The only way is by checking blood pressure. Blood pressure is divided into two, namely systolic and diastolic. Systolic is the pressure in the arteries that occurs when the heart pumps blood throughout the body. As for the rest of the diastolic pressure in the arteries when your heart is at rest. This pressure is expressed in terms of fractional numbers. Written


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